Cover Story
AIM’s First Hybrid and International Grand Alumni Homecoming
The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns in the last three years resulted in the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) holding the annual homecoming celebrations virtually. But things changed on 25 February as the AIM community finally gathered for the biggest alumni event of the year at the Main Lounge of the Manila Polo Club. The first […]...
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Alumni News

Transforming Passion into Purpose: My Journey in the Field of Cybersecurity – Donna Villa Gaspan-Cerna, MCS 2024
Class Notes from Donna Villa Gaspan-Cerna, Master in Cybersecurity (MCS) 2024 My foray into the field of cybersecurity was unplann...
Kevin Tan announces powerhouse duo to fuel Newport World Resorts’ growth
This article first appeared on
Edukaravan 2024 – ME 2022 Innovasians
This article first appeared on   Being aware of the social malaise ...

AIM News

A Visionary’s Insights on Disruptive Innovation, Capitalism, and Global Responsibility
The Asian Forum on Enterprise for Society (AFES) 2023 witnessed a remarkable moment as Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, the renowned busine...
Asian Institute of Management and P&A Grant Thornton Forge Transformative Partnership
In a significant development, the Career Services Office (CSO) of the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) and financial services p...
AIM Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with QBO and Resilient PH
The Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Career Services Office (CSO) held a signing of Memoranda of Understanding at the AIM M...


Brewing@AIM with Nitin Gaur

Brewing@AIM with Nitin Gaur

This Brewing@AIM event was held last 7 December 2022 at the Stephen Fuller Hall featuring Nitin Gaur, Managing Director for Digital Asset and Technology Design at State Street Digital. Watch the event recording here: