Every year, the Global Business Network (GBSN) holds the GoTrade GBSN Fellowship Program which aims to help developing countries implement top trade policies and procedures, as well as help local businesses gain access to the global market. Participants go through a rigorous selection process. GBSN representatives, partnership organizations, and experts in the fields of trade and development evaluate the applicants based on their professional experience and academic excellence, as well as their leadership potential and interest in trade and development.

Out of the hundreds of applications from 72 universities spanning 34 countries, only 69 students and 69 entrepreneurs from 14 countries were selected. It is with great pride and honor to announce that Ms. Nikki Isabel Laynes, EMBA 2023, was chosen to participate in this year’s fellowship program.

Along with Bangladesh, China, and India, this is the first time that the Philippines will be participating with fellow Asian delegates. Under the program, students are paired with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from developing countries based on their expertise, background, and language capabilities. For 12 months, SMEs will learn about the value of cross-border trade and are given tools to access the global marketplace while students will be given learning opportunities on how to operate in ill-defined markets, with scarce resources, and in less structured environments.

Ms. Laynes has been paired with Tunga-wellness Trading from Namibia owned by Ms. Regina Ndjuluwa.

Good luck Ms. Laynes! We are rooting for you!