Eduniversal’s latest ranking places the Asian Institute of Management’s (AIM) Master of Science in Data Science (MSDS) program third among data analytics masters’ programs in Far East Asia. AIM bested similar programs in Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Malaysia. Founded in 1994, Eduniversal is a global ranking and rating agency that evaluates programs of business schools and universities in over 150 countries. Rankings are based on criteria that include the program’s reputation, prospective income and job offers of the graduates, and the students’ satisfaction.

“Data science is the fastest-growing and most sought-after specialization worldwide. The Master of Science in Data Science program is our most thought-through, most intelligent, and most appropriate response to prepare for the changes and challenges digitalization throws at us,” said AIM’s President and Dean Jikyeong Kang during the launch of the MSDS program last year.
“Data science cuts across industries. AIM’s MSDS program is strongly tied to the Institute’s business and management modules. Harvesting data is a data scientist’s core competency, but equally important are the abilities to model, visualize, and turn data into actionable insights, and to pose the right questions that matter to the business,” said Associate Professor Erika Legara, Academic Program Director for MSDS.
Aside from the fusion of analytics, business, and management modules, students gain invaluable experience by working on problems of actual businesses for their capstone projects while under the close supervision of mentors from the Analytics, Computing, and Complex Systems (ACCeSs) Laboratory. ACCeSs is an industry-facing research laboratory led by Professor Christopher Monterola. The lab is composed of a multidisciplinary team of experienced and highly trained scientists, economists, and engineers. It also houses a 500-teraflop high performance computing (HPC) facility — one of the fastest supercomputers in the region. MSDS students are provided access to the supercomputer.
“I am proud to say that our pioneering MSDS students are just 9-months into the program and 75% of them already have job placements. Ninety percent (90%) if we include those who are currently going through interviews with international companies like Air Asia and Cargill,” said Legara.