EventsOctober 13, 2022Sneha Das, MBM ’98, shared his AIM journey and gave valuable career advice to MBA students and recent graduatesOn August 16, Snehashis Das, MBM 1998 alumnus and Director at Commerzbank AG Singapore, shared with MBA students as well as Alumni Relations Office
EventsDecember 14, 2021Network of AIM Alumni Singapore (NAIMAS) hold webinar on investing in a post-covid worldOn November 25, the Network of AIM Alumni Singapore (NAIMAS), with the AIM Alumni Relations Office (ARO) hosting, organized a Alumni Relations Office
EventsNovember 24, 2021ARO conducted a pilot masterclass with Prof. Rene Domingo for Best of RTD: Management Lessons in the Pandemic and BeyondOn Nov. 18, the Alumni Relations Office (ARO) presented an exclusive, by invitation-only masterclass for alumni leaders in Alumni Relations Office