Last November 15, 2019, esteemed AIM alumnus Mr. Snehashis Das, MBM 1998, graced the Institute for an Alumni Hour with the MBA 2020 class.  He gave a highly engaging and motivational talk about his student days at AIM, and his subsequent successful career as a Singapore-based banker.



Sneha shared how his experience at AIM shaped him to be better at his profession and allowed him to realize his full potential. His talk revolved around the two important skills he intuitively learned while studying for his MBM degree: articulating his ideas in a convincing manner and effective time management.



Although public speaking was not his strong suit in college, he was able to develop confidence to express himself and get his points across to an audience (his professors and classmates) during his first month at AIM.  This learned skill can be attributed to the case method of teaching at AIM, where students are graded based on their ability to analyze cases and express their thoughts through class participation.



The other skill he developed was time management. He emphasized that while it is essential to fully devote one’s time to studies, it is just as imperative to find time to invest in interpersonal relationships with fellow students.  He advised the audience to keep the friendships they formed in the Insitute as these will be helpful once they resume their careers in their respective industries.



Sneha concluded his talk by sharing quotes from Warren Buffet, Paulo Coelho and Albert Einstein that serve as his guiding principles about habit, persistence and ego.  (Can you share the quotes?)


Giving Sneha support was another esteemed alumnus, Dr. Gan Cheong Eng, MBM 1982, the former president of the AIM Alumni of Singapore (AIMAS). Dr. Gan shared with the MBA 2020 class his own AIM journey in a brief speech. He emphasized that apart from the mindset one develops while at AIM, there is a lot to gain from the network that one builds, and becomes a part of, by being an alumnus of the Institute.


A lively Q&A followed the talk.



We would like to express our great appreciation to Sneha and Dr. Gan for flying all the way from Singapore to share their time and wisdom with the students.  We also thank the students for their active participation and well-thought out questions during the Q&A.


words by Janelle Erika Corpuz-Santos