Thank you to our alumni who have responded to our call for sharing positive and relevant information during these trying times.


From Mr. Vikram Singh (MDM 1991)…



As individuals we owe it to ourselves and your community to minimize our droplet impact on the environment.


Enhance your individual immunity by appropriate diets and lifestyles.


Appropriate diets are those which contain vitamin D (fish liver oil), vitamin C (Parsley and sweet lemons) ,Vitamin B8 (Biotin),  peanuts and almonds.


Enhance your individual immunity and thereby the community’s collective immunity.


Practice social distancing, eat right (There is no distinction between food and medicine), avoid coughs and cold creating situations.


Remember heat minimizes the spread of the virus.


Raise the temperature of where you live through heating devices. Heat kills the virus.


The karate guide to the community for fighting the virus.