MBM 1979 marked their 45th anniversary this year with various gatherings coinciding with homecoming week. The celebrations started with welcome cocktails on 27 February 2024 at Stardust Makati. AIM President and Dean, Dr. Jikyeong Kang, joined the sapphire jubilarians on their night of fun and drinks.

On 1 March 2024, they recreated a Beer Pub, with more classmates in attendance. A poignant moment of the program was a loving video tribute to their professors and classmates who have passed on.

Below are some of the tributes offered by members of the class.


Class description prepared by Myra Chan Cruz, MBM79

“MBM79 was a lively bunch that, in light-hearted moments, loved to coin imaginative pet names for each other. Therefore, one guy who slithered his way through was dubbed the “Snake,” there was a howling “Bird,” and there was this duo whose “Dog and Flea” act had us in stitches with their comic repartee. Another guy was caricatured as the “Pelican,” (and) yet another was called the “Penguin,” while we had a “Duck” who led the pack. Lest you think that MBM79 was just a friendly zoo of characters, let us not forget (the) band of chummy humans named the “Hamburger Boys”!

The list could get longer, but these are just a sampling of the monitors and terms of endearment we had for each other. Ours was a batch that, early on, lived by the motto “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” under the guidance of class moderator Professor Elenita Panganiban who doted on us like a mother.

And “LOVE ONE ANOTHER” we surely did, when we extended helping hands and cared for each other’s best interests while in school and even after graduation, as we continued to meet regularly year in and year out, all through these past 45 years, maintaining our social connectivity with strong ties that bind deeply rooted in precious friendship forged from the AIM days of MBM ’79.”


Special Tribute to Teached and Classmates who have moved on by Alejo Mayoralgo, MBM79

“45 years after our 1979 graduation, we gather to enjoy each other’s vibrant company! We fondly remember our dear classmates who were very much a part of our lives but who passed on. Grateful indeed are we to our professors who have molded us through tough case discussions and the wisdom they imparted, so we lovingly keep in our prayers our deceased professors, especially our beloved class advisor Leni Panganiban.”

We look forward to seeing MBM 1979 on their next milestone!