During the recent AIM commencement exercises last December 9, 2018, two members of the graduating class of 2018 and a member of the faculty were conferred special awards through the generous sponsorship of our Singapore alumni.

Ben Ibarra “Barri” Rodriguez Fernandez, MBA 2018, was given the AIM/AIMAS OUTSTANDING STUDENT LEADER Award for demonstrating excellent leadership qualities in his role as president of the Student Association. As president, he was able to unite and give voice to the whole student body, working with the Institute to address their issues and concerns and vice versa.

Moreover, he committed himself to promoting AIM and its various interests, tirelessly participating in open houses, recruitment activities and other events of the Institute. He also worked closely with the Alumni Relations Office in rallying the students to participate in the various activities organized by ARO to promote closer relationships between the students and alumni.

In winning the award, Barri received a handsome crystal trophy and US$2,000 dollars from the AIM Alumni of Singapore (AIMAS).

YeshiNidup, MDM 2018, was adjudged the winner of the BEST CAPSTONE Award. His capstone (older alumni know this as the MRR) titled “Strengthening Science Education in Middle and Higher Secondary Schools in Bhutan through the use of Information and Communication Technology” takes a closer look at the ICT master plan policy of the government of Bhutan and seeks to develop strategies to strengthen the delivery of science education to students.

To do this, several challenges need to be addressed: lack of resources, poor internet connectivity, lack of capacity building and inadequate support for teachers. Needless to say, poor science education has negatively impacted the socioeconomic development of Bhutan. The country is severely lacking in doctors, nurses, engineers, architects, urban planners and the like.

Yeshi proposed brilliant strategies to overcome these limitations and come up with an effective and sustainable ICT master plan. His capstone scored highly on a set of five criteria: practical, strategic, integrative, original and innovative, and relevant. In the end, the selection committee rightly accorded importance to its wide-ranging effect on human capital development and its huge impact on society to select his MRR as the best capstone for 2018.

The Best Capstone Award comes with a crystal trophy and S$2,000 courtesy of Dr. Gan Cheong Eng, MBM 1982 and former president of the AIM Alumni of Singapore (AIMAS).

From left: AIM President and Dean Jikyeong Kang, YeshiNidup, Tshering Peldoen, both MDM 2018 and AIM Chairman Peter Garrucho.

To recognize faculty for excellent teaching performance and commitment to learning, Renny Yeo, MM 81 and AIMAS Vice President, generously sponsors the Renny Yeo-AIM Teaching Excellence Award. Now on its 3rd year, the award is given to a full-time faculty member who has a continuing appointment of at least two years and has made an impact in terms of timely and meaningful feedback to students, active supervision and mentoring, and consistent concern for the delivery of high-quality learning.

This year’s winner is Professor Jose Gerardo O. Santamaria PhD,former chairman of the Department of Leadership and People Management. Professor Santamaria was a unanimous choice of the selection committee composed of the WSGSB school head, the Associate Dean and the Assistant Dean for Teaching and Learning. In winning the Teaching Excellence Award, Professor Santamaria received a handsome glass trophy and US$4,000.00.

AIM President and Dean Dr. Jikyeong Kang, Prof. Gerry Santamaria, PhD and AIM Chairman Peter Garrucho

Our heartiest congratulations to Barri, Yeshi and Prof. Gerry!

word by Bernardino Jiao