On August 16, Snehashis Das, MBM 1998 alumnus and Director at Commerzbank AG Singapore, shared with MBA students as well as recent MBA graduates his AIM journey and gave career advice that he said he wished he knew back when he was an MBA student.

In his talk, he provided profound insights on what to expect and what the students can do during the different career stages.

Getting The Job You Always Wanted

Sneha shared that at the beginning of his career in options trading, he flew to Singapore on a tourist visa and began reaching out to options trading directors. After calling on a lot of banks, his determination led him to an interview, and eventually got the job.

His interest in options trading began with a class in AIM called Options and Swaps taught by Prof. Romulo Neri.

He emphasized that if you focus on a certain job and get to know the people in the industry you want to be in, the probability of getting the job becomes higher.


When Sneha was searching for a job, he shared with the group that he identified a category that pertains to the industry he wanted to belong. He then focused on listing sub-categories from that category. This is how he figured out he was leaning toward derivatives rather than corporate finance.

He emphasized that it is best to research what sub-categories they are interested in and who the people working in those areas are. He also suggested that they research events in the industry, this can be an effective way to network with professionals they could potentially work with in the future.

Sneha also said that the more research you do will either you get attracted or distracted from the different sub-categories. And this is a good thing because it will be easier to identify what career path one wants to be on.

Planning Your Career

Sneha shared a quote he came across one day,

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”

He urged the audience to plan what they want to pursue in the next five to fifteen years. This will allow them to focus on a career they can excel in. Along the way, they might change course, but if they pause and identify their goal, they will be able to follow that career path easier.

On The Job – Training and Execution

According to Sneha, the alignment of the company’s strategy with how the boss is leading the organization, how your manager is handling your team, and how you work, is crucial in excelling on the job. To align with the strategies of the company you are part of, he reminded the group to be objective. The more objective they are with strategic alignment, the easier it will be to execute their career plans.

Moving up the Corporate Ladder

Negative connotations about moving up the corporate ladder aside, if you dedicate yourself to knowing the ins and outs of the company – product and services offered, policies, values, etc. – this will help you increase your chances of climbing up the chain. Show your superiors that you have the capability to increase productivity that is fit and aligned with the company’s goals.

In Transition and Taking Off

Sneha mentioned that there is a certain type of intelligence that you develop throughout your life. What you need to take off in your career is your fluid intelligence. This is the knowledge you have acquired from your school and work experience throughout your career.

According to Sneha from ages 30 to 60 we also develop what people call ‘crystallized intelligence’. This is made up of knowledge, facts, and skills you acquire throughout life. Once you have reached this part of your life, then this is where your career will take off.

Guiding Principles

Sneha then shared some guiding principles that he feels are important and relevant for our MBA students and alumni.


We would like to thank Mr. Snehashis Das, Prof. Sandeep Puri, and the lively audience for an exhilarating hour of discussion on career planning during this very challenging time. It was truly a privilege for ARO to host the webinar.

For more events like this, always check your MyAIMConnect feed for announcements and updates.


Words by Janelle Erika Santos, ARO

edited by Bernie Jiao, ARO