Front row, from left to right: Shawn H. Y. Chen, MM 1994; T. C. Lee, MBM 1973; Prof. Heh-Song Wang; Governor, Mr. Stan Shih; Pi-Chuan Chen, MM 1995; Maggie Pan, BMP 1997; John Yang, MM1994 | Back row, from left to right: Patrick Hsiao, MM1990; James Chung, MBM1984; George Lai, MBM1975; Tzy-Hao Chang, MM1997; George Huang, MBM1994; Jacinta Meng, MBM1985; Michael Hsu, MM1991; Irene Feng, BMP1992; Tong Chien, MM1979; Jo-Yun Chang, MM1990; Steven Tseng, MBM1987; Shin-Min Lin, 1982; Nan-Chi Chen, MM1996; Russell Ho, MBM1981


On the evening of December 5, the AIM Alumni Association Taiwan Chapter held its annual dinner meeting at The Peng’s Gourmet and Banquet. A total of 21 attendees, composed of AIM Board Governor Mr. Stan Shih, Professor Heh-Song Wang, and 19 alumni, joined the dinner meeting.  

AIM Alumni Association Taiwan Chapter President PC Chen welcomed the attendees and gave an update on the latest developments in AIM.  Each of the attendees also gave brief updates about their professional endeavors. Afterward, special guest Mr. Stan Shih delivered a rousing and thought-provoking speech.  

In Mr. Stan Shih’s speech, he shared his idea on the relevance of the sustainability of democracy and the philosophy of “New Wangdao,” which he has initiated and promoted for years.  The goal of Wangdao (King’s Way or Leader’s Way) is to attain sustainable development through continuous value creation and sustained construction of a mechanism for value co-creation and balance of interests.  He advocates for the government to construct a long-term policy for sustainable development to benefit the country and its people. 

Some of the attendees were advancing in age, he also addressed the importance of health and generously shared his experiences in healthcare. 

Three (3) topics were discussed during the meeting: 

  1. How to promote AIM in Taiwan to attract new students to enroll in AIM. 
  2. Concerns regarding the recent leadership issue in FAIM that involves the question of chairmanship. 
  3. Who will be the President of the Taiwan Chapter for the year 2024? 

For the latter, the original plan was for Mr. Shin-Min (Robert Lin, Triple A 2023 winner) to replace PC Chen as the president of the Taiwan Chapter.  However, with Mr. Lin’s current health issues, PC Chen was elected once again to continue his presidency in 2024 until a successor is appointed. 

The annual dinner was indeed a success as the Taiwan Chapter happily welcomed three new members – Dr. George Huang (MBM 94), Ms. Irene Feng (BMP 92), and Ms. Maggie Pan (BMP 97).  Remarkably, they are all very successful in their respective careers.  It was also discovered that 4 of the alumni are involved in the business of medicine or medical care and have attained significant achievements in the medical industry.  This definitely bodes well for the more senior alumni in the group. 

Thank you, P.C., for reporting about the dinner and generously accepting the presidency of the Taiwan chapter for another year. 

Till the next dinner!