This webinar ‘Urban Farming to Develop High Impact Community Development’ was held last 28 August 2021 via Zoom. Here are the featured speakers:

  • Dr. Kartika Antono, MM – President, Ikatan Alumni AIM Indonesia (IAAIMI) and Managing Director, Multistrada Agro
  • Theofransus Litaay, PhD – Senior Advisor, The Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia
  • Ankesh Shahra – Founder and CEO of Agrimax Ventures Singapore
  • Wirawan Hartawan – Founder and CEO of Hydrofarm Indonesia
  • Ria Pasaribu – Director of Indonesia Care
  • Prof. Richard Cruz – Faculty, Asian Institute of Management

Moderator for the event was Yakobus Yuliatmoko, MDM – Vice Secretary, Ikatan Alumni AIM Indonesia (IAAIMI) and Founder and CEO, Pace Synergic.

The event was organized by the Ikatan Alumni Asian Institute of Management Indonesia, in collaboration with the AIM Alumni Relations Office.


Click here for the event recording:

Password: AE82821